As most of you know I love bread. In just about any form. My favorite is warm from the oven slathered with butter. It is my crack. Seriously. You can only imagine how excited I was when our Relief Society decided on the theme “You are Kneaded” for the birthday celebration. Because it involves bread!
As a committee we thought it would be such a nice treat if every sister had a little treat to take home so we decided on mini loaves of bread. How cute is that? Now we estimated about 100 sisters would be attending this birthday celebration. Yes 100 so we had our work cut out for us! So about 5 of us set out to bake those 100 mini loaves.
We used Rhodes Frozen Bread Dough to make it easy for us. One loaf will make 2 mini loaves. Now there is a secret I learned when using Rhodes dough. It will rise a lot when you bake it. The key is to not let the dough over proof. We used disposable baking pans and they were perfect. If you let the dough rise just to the top of the baking pan it rises beautifully and makes a fantastic mini loaf.
I was asked to make tags for the mini loaves too and I used my Cricut Maker to print and cut out the tags. You can find the project here if you want to make your own. I think they turned out really cute and the message was clear.
I love the message “You are Kneaded” because every one is truly needed in this life. We all play a part in the grand scheme of things. We wanted every sister to know that we think about them, we pray for them and each and every one is an important part of our Relief Society. I think we did a pretty good job of getting that message across.
Thank you to Rhodes for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own and I only share products I genuinely love.
I love your tags, but I can’t get the link to work to pull up the tags. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I apologize for the trouble your having, I have updated the link and it is working for me. You will need to have Cricut Design Space in order to make the tags. Design Space works best in Google chrome.
Did you have any type of program?
Yes there was a short program with an emphasis on every sister is “kneaded”.
I love this theme tell me about the program
I love this!! Did you let the bread thaw/rise and then split it in half?
I love this, we are planning to use your tag’s and idea for our activity in March.
Could you please email me the link for it
Debbie Siletta
Relief Society President
Nicholasville Ky Ward
Hi, thank you so much for sharing! I was wondering where you got your bread bags? Also, if you could send me the tag link as well.