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Church Window Candy


  • Ingredients:
  • 1 stick of butter
  • 1 package 12 oz chocolate chips
  • 1 bag 7 oz coconut
  • 1 bag 10.5 oz multi-colored mini marshmallows


  • In a saucepan over medium heat, melt butter and chocolate chips while stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let pan cool for about five minutes.
  • On two sheets of waxed paper, sprinkle coconut in the center.
  • With marshmallows in a large bowl, cover in chocolate. Stir until completely coated. Pour half of the marshmallow chocolate mixture onto the prepared coconut on the waxed paper. Sprinkle with coconut.
  • Fold the waxed paper tightly around the marshmallow log. I match the long sides of the wax paper in the center of the log and roll it tightly. Secure with tape. Repeat to make a second log.
  • Refrigerate and chill overnight. Unwrap, and slice to desired thickness. Usually around 1/2". Store covered in the refrigerator.
  • Option: You can add 1 cup chopped walnuts with the marshmallows.