Disclaimer: I was provided the opportunity to visit this farm with the Diary Council of AZ through a campaign with Blended Extended. All opinions are my own.
Last week I had the fun opportunity to visit the Bill Kerr Dairy Farm here in Arizona! It has been over 20 years since I have been on a Dairy Farm!! It was a beautiful day to visit a dairy! This was such a fun day!
I was so amazed at the care and dedication the Kerr family has for their dairy. We were educated by Wes Kerr himself. His knowledge of his farm and the dairy industry was amazing! I could listen to him talk all day his passion was so evident as he shared that knowledge with us.
Take a peek at this little YouTube video Wes made!!
We arrived there just as a baby calf had been born. It was so sweet to see the mama care for her baby. I know this is not a very good photo but here is that new baby calf and her mama! So, so sweet!!
We had the opportunity to visit the calf nursery and I found a little friend who wanted to suck on my hand. He would have done it all day if I let him!
It was so interesting to see all the baby calfs. Each one had their own personality. Some were shy and some very curious as to who we were.
We had a fun picnic and Wes spoke more about his beloved dairy as I said I could listen to him talk about the dairy all day long I love when your passion is evident when you talk!
We were sent home with some pretty yummy and fun dairy products. My two favorite were Orange and Root Beer milk!! They even came in glass bottles something you don’t see very often!!
Well my mind got a little creative and came up with this Root Beer Float Milkshake!! It was sooooo yummy!!
If you ever have the chance to visit a dairy farm do not pass it up I have to say this has been one of my favorite events I have attended!!
kita says
Ok… my mind may be just a little blown. What kinda milk??? Cuz I have GOT to give that a try!
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Becca from ItsYummi.com says
Being from the Dairyland state, I do have slight crush on cows. Your milkshake sounds fabulous!
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fabiola@notjustbaked says
This is so cool! I love cow nibble picture!
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Dionne Baldwin says
Orange milk and root beer milk?? O.k. you have my attention! I’d love to try that. It sounds like you had a really fun visit. It’s so much fun to meet new baby cows! They are so sweet.
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Julie says
What fun flavors! I need to visit a dairy farm or avocado farm around here!
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Melissa says
I really want to try those milk flavors! Where can we purchase? I love local farmers and their passion! So glad you go to attend this event.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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