Normally for Halloween I am something “cute” or something “nice”!! Last year I was the cutest “Broom Hilda” you ever did see!!!! Well when I was scouring the internet I came across this tutorial for a Headless Bride at Instructables. I thought this was the best costume ever!!! I so wanted to make it!! But to find an old wedding dress at an affordable cost would be hard. Well I just so happened to go to a thrift store clearance center and paid $10 for a fantastic dress! It was my destiny to make this costume! So I started making the bust on Sunday evening thanks to the help of my niece Alex! Now because my dress had long sleeves I didn’t want to stuff them, Sara over at Mom Endeavors made a Spider wreath using this!
Here is a photo of the bust using pipe insulation for the arms.
Then it was on to painting, gorefying and dressing our blushing bride!!!
She even had the most beautiful wedding ring!!
The costume took me about a week or so, I used the few hours between arriving home from work and bedtime to put in the hours to make her!!! So are you ready to see the finished product???
Photo is courtesy of Allison Lefler of Lefler Photograpy! Take a quick trip to her site!! She is an amazing Photographer!!!
Hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween 2011!!!
Allison says
Again, I loved your costume SO much!! Thanks for the shout out!! 🙂 Wish we were going to see you today… guess I’ll have to wait until Bunko night!!
Tauni says
What a great (and terrifying) outfit! I wore black, but that’s about as creative as I got this year…
Cindy {Jenkins Kid Farm} says
Ohmygosh, Laura! I’m going to have nightmares! Super cool and creative!!
Sara @ Mom Endeavors says
WHOA! Totally disgusting! But, SO well done! It turned out great! Glad the pipe insulation idea was helpful! 🙂 It’s SUCH an inexpensive product for crafting with!