Here we are again with cupcake number 2! If you were here on Monday I shared with you the Pumpkin Patch Cupcake Tutorial, well today I have this adorable Frankenstein Cupcake Tutorial! This is two of three cupcakes I will be teaching at Blended Conference this weekend!! Follow me on Twitter and Instagram this weekend for conference updates!!
I am not sharing recipes here just the tutorial on how to decorate the cupcake. Use your favorite cupcake and frosting recipes.
Of the three cupcakes this one is my favorite. Frank is just so cute!
Here is what you will need:
Green Frosting
Red frosting
1-12″ Wilton Disposable Decorating bag
Wilton #4 decorating tip
black sprinkles (each cupcake takes about 2 teaspoons of sprinkles)
2 chocolate chips per cupcake
2 Wilton large candy eyes
1/4 Cup food scoop
offset spatula or butter knife
This is the fun part, with the food scoop, scoop out a level scoop of green frosting and place it on top of the cupcake.
With the knife or offset spatula smooth around the edges of the frosting scoop. This doesn’t have to be perfect! And we will take care of the top in the next step!
Sprinkle the black sprinkles on top of the cupcake and gently press them into the frosting. Continue this process until the top of cupcake is covered with the black sprinkles.
Next add the eyes to the front of the cupcake. Placing them close together side by side.
Next we have to add the bolts to the side of Franks neck. Were using the chocolate chips for this. Press the pointed side of the chocolate chip into the side of the frosting pushing it in about half way.
Fill red frosting in the decorating bag fitted with the #4 decorating tip and pipe a scar on Frank’s forehead. On what ever side you like!
And there you have the cutest little Frankenstein cupcake around!! I think he is adorable.
Come back on Friday for my final cupcake decorating tutorial! It is another cute one too!
I think these are my favorite cupcakes! I’m so excited to make them with my granddaughters this Halloween!
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