I’m Sara from Mom Endeavors and I’m thrilled to be participating in Laura’s awesome 31 Days of Pink series for the 2nd year in a row! I have never really been a “pink” person and have 3 little boys. So pink is understandably rather absent from our house. But, this spring, I did find some pink absolutely breathtaking…
Tulips are my favorite! This was taken while at the SNAP Conference in Utah this past spring. Look at all of those shades of pink!! So beautiful! Springtime is such a reminder of the life that comes after the dark, dreary winter. And, in a symbolic way, it’s what I wish for all of those going through a breast cancer fight. I want new life to come. For flowers to bloom after a dark, difficult cancer fight.
Recently, I was at another conference with Laura (Bloggy Boot Camp), where we heard from a breast cancer survivor as part of the Ford Warriors in Pink. She was just 2 years older than me when she was diagnosed. A lump just below her collar bone (by the way, did you know that your breast tissue goes all the way up to your collar bone and extends all the way down & over to under your armpit?!). It was both sobering and inspiring to here her story. And, it was a good reminder for me that it can happen at any age; that I need to be doing my monthly checks; that I need to advocate for myself to get the recommended base-line mammogram at 35 (even though many doctors claim it’s not necessary).
So, this month, I’m extra thankful for the color pink!
What a beautiful picture Sara!!
Sara and I go WAYYYYYYYYYYY back!! LOL!! She has been such a wonderful blog mentor for me even though she didnt really know it!! I have looked to her for help and support with this bloggy business for the last couple of years and she has been more than helpful!! I am honored and grateful to call her a dear friend.
Sara shares all kinds of fun things on her blog from “Mom” tips and tricks to Home improvement/DIY tutorials!! Please take a moment and check out MOM ENDEAVORS!! Sara also hangs out at these other popular “Social Media” hangouts!! TWTTER, PINTEREST, INSTAGRAM as momendeavors. And of course you can find her on FACEBOOK!!
Thank you so much for bieng here today Sara!! And Thank You for sharing your PINK photo with us!!!