Today is Day 4 can you believe it I have posted for 4 days in a row??? That is pretty amazing for me to actually post 4 days in a row!! When this month is over it will be a huge accomplishment for me!! I have to say I could not do it without the help and support of the wonderful women who are contributing to the “31 Days of PINK”.
Here is the photo for day 4.
Photo by Max Attenborough via decor8
I bet your wondering why I chose these photos? Pink telephones? Well not only do I want a PINK phone for my craft room but the phone is a way to reach out to someone. To connect with them. I challenge you today to pick up your phone whatever color it is and call someone who needs a friend. Reach out to someone who might be hurting or facing hardship. Let them know you care enough to pickup the phone and call them. Whether we are fighting Breast Cancer or have a sick toddler we all could use a reminder someone is thinking about us.
Please DO IT!!! Leave a comment and let me know how it goes I would love to hear your stories.